After deploying k3s on one of my servers (which I will post about later) I searched for a solution to manage the
components deployed on it. My first thought was to use terraform
, but it has several drawbacks when it comes to k8s
and helm support. Additionally it needs managing unnecessary state files managing even for that simple task. While it
may be worth sticking to one tool if everything is in it, this was not the case for me this time. Therefore, I began
looking for something simpler, more as a code
, and easier to use than firing all helm
commands manually. That’s when
I discovered helmfile.
Using helmfile
, we can specify repositories and releases in a single file (in my case I stick to helmfile.yml
There’s nothing fancy or nothing complicated about it, and repositories can come from different sources - including URLs
or even local files. The latter was particularly useful when configuring
woodpecker to use unreleased version that
required a small local change.
Here is sample configuration for renovate: